Welcome to St. George Greek Orthodox Church, DeKalb, Illinois




320 South Second St.

DeKalb, IL 60115

Church Phone number (815) 758-5731

Father Nick's Contact info - Cell (708) 280-8230 - barjonah1958@gmail.com


Our parking lot is on the corner of 2nd St. and Franklin St. 

Our Sunday Schedule

Orthros, 8:30 am

Divine Liturgy (our main service), 9:50 am


Come and join us; we can't wait to meet you! 


St. George Greek Orthodox Church - DeKalb, IL



Christ is in our midst!


O Lord, the Conqueror of the World and our victorious Commander, be close to us always, that we may not become frightened; and direct us, that we may always be close to Thee in heart, mind and soul. To Thee be glory and praise forever. Amen.



St. George Church - DeKalb, IL


24 - 6:30pm - Adult Bible Catechism Class


28 -  8:30am - 5th Sunday of St. Matthew -  Orthros - Divine Liturgy / Reader - Luke C. / Greeters - Karen W. & David S. / Fellowship Sponsor - TBA


August 2024

("Talanto" / "Voice" sponsor - Dena Tsagalis)

2 - 6:30pm - Paraclesis (Supplications) NapáAnons to the Theotokos

4 - 8:30am - 6th Sunday of St. Matthew LT'Mataiov - Orthros - Divine
Liturgy / Reader - Andrianna J. / Greetiers - Panagiota D. & Anrianna J.
Fellowship Sponsor - TBA

5 - 7 pm - Great Vespers for the Feast of Transfiguration at Holy
Transfiguration Monastery, Harvard, IL - Meyac EstEppivoc...I. M. Tn

6 - 8:30am - Feast of the Transfiguration - Tns Meta oposews Orthros -
Divine Liturgy

7 - 6:30pm - Paraclesis (Supplications) Iapák)none to the Theotokos

9 - 6:30pm - Paraclesis (Supplications) apá^nons to the Theotokos

11 - 8:30am - - 7th Sunday of St. Matthew Z' Maraiov - Commemoration of the Miracle of St. Spyridon - Orthros - Divine Liturgy / Reader - Ear. B. /
Greeters - Kalli D. & Share S. - Fellowship Sponsor - BA

12 - 6:30pm - Paraclesis (Supplications) aáAnone to the Theotokos

14 - 7pm - Vespers at the Churches of the Kimisis(Dormition) for their Patronal

15 - 8:30am - Feast of the Falling Asleep of the Theotokos - Orthros -
Divine Liturgy - H Koiunons tng OtóKov.

18 - 8:30am - 8th Sunday of St. Matthew - H'MatOaiov Orthros - Divine Liturgy

Reader - Demetri B. / Greeters - Kalli D. & Pnagiota D. / Fellowship

Sponsor - TBA

23-25 - DeKalb Corn Fest

25 - 8:30am - 9th Sunday of st. Matthew - ©' MarOciov Orthros - Divine Liturgy Reader - Kalli D. / Greeters - Panagiota D. & Sharen S. / Fellowship Sponsor - TBA

31 - 10 - 10am - 12pm - Annual "Blessing of Animals" Family event -

Huntley Park






O Lord our Savior, eternal Word of God, help us to bridle our tongues so that they do not speak to our destruction. Help us to speak with the tongue only that which is according to Your holy will and that which is for our eternal salvation in immortal life. To Thee be glory and praise forever. Amen.


Fr. Nick


Check out our Facebook page @StGeorgeDekalb

Sacraments, Confession, and Memorials: Please see Father to schedule.


Be Our Guest

We believe that we exist to receive and share unconditional love, mercy, healing and peace, so that life has greater meaning and purpose.

Our Mission: "Called by Christ to share God's saving love in all that we do, the parish of St. George serves families, students, and those in need across DeKalb County with our prayer, study, and hospitality, for the Glory of God and His Church."

We'd love to welcome you to our community so be sure to come and visit.


And, be sure to visit our calendar for upcoming services and events and our facebook page for extra photos and news. 

College Students

If you're attending college at NIU or in the DeKalb area, please send Father Nick a note.  We are working to re-establish the Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OFC, a pan-Orthodox college ministry) and we'd love to have you as a part of our family.


Christian Stewardship

What is Christian Stewardship? 

Christian Stewardship is…

…learning how to be a responsible and concerned caretaker of Christ’s Church; it is learning how to enjoy Church life and be happy in Church work., for in Her dwells the fullness of the Spirit of God.

…our active commitment to use all our time, talent and treasure for the benefit of humankind in grateful acknowledgment of Christ’s redeeming love.

…caring for the needs of others.

…offering one’s self to God as He offered Himself to us.

…what a person does after saying “I believe…”, as proof of that belief.

…devotion and service to God and His Church as persons, as families, as diocese/metropolis, as national Church and as Church universal.

Click here to download and print our 2024 Commitment Card. You may mail them to: St. George Church, 320 S. 2nd St., DeKalb, IL 60115. 

If you'd like to give online, or setup a reccurring donation for stewardship, click below.

